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Back To The Home Country Part 2 ほんごく 本国

Writer's picture: NigelNigel

2022 年 10 月 1 日

Saturday: As I mentioned in my last week's post, some of my friends have clever daughters. 私の友達の何人かは賢い娘を持っています😄. And it was Genevieve who helped me on my journey by driving me to Haywards Heath station. I was bound for the southern harbour town of Chichester. Here I have family and friends alike. The following morning I went for a little walk there with my father, admiring the medieval market cross...チチェスタ...Along with the cathedral, it is a famous landmark めじるし目印 of the town....

On North street the flag was at half-mast....

These central streets are all pedestrianised, which is wonderful for a 97-yr-old and his son. It means you can have a hassle-free coffee on the street......チチェスターで父とコーヒー☕

There is a modern art gallery here which I would love to go to, but did not have time. Instead I contented myself with this sculpture Spartacus outside the Chichester Festival Theatre....チチェスター フェスティバル劇場の外にあるスパルタカスの彫刻....

I also watched the end of a cricket match......クリケットの試合の最後も見た.

....and joined my brother to listen to some Country and Western in the local pub....


Monday. The day of the Queen's funeral in Westminster Abbey.ウェストミンスター寺院での女王の葬儀の日. I made sure my train connection back to London did not go via Victoria station (which is very near Buckingham Palace), but eastwards via Blackfriars. Waiting for the train at Chichester station.....

The train was great, the crisp-munching passengers not. But across the aisle all was quiet....was she a dancer limbering up for the next rehearsal, or just a weary girl escaping her family? I will never know....彼女は次のリハーサルに向けて体を引き締めているダンサーなのか、それとも家族から逃れようとしているただの疲れ果てた少女なのか? 私は決して知りません....

We past again through the fascinating post-industrial chaos of south London......

...every square foot exploited....

Is there any point in travelling 1st Class these days?

...stopping at ancient stations....... eventually catch the Victoria Line to Walthamstow. As you can see, everyone was glued to their TVs on this day.......I felt like going up to the front of the train and saying hello to the driver.....🙂

...and I wasn't spared the TV in Walthamstow either, although we limited our viewing to a modest 3/4 hour......

.... Queen Marcie of Walthamstow was not particularly impressed.....

I left for Frankfurt the next day. But not before fitting in a short cruise with Rachel on the River Medway......

There was hardly any wind to speak of, so we had to use the motor. But it meant we had time to take this selfie 😊

...and for me to fumble with some ropes....

I haven't done my job yet - untie the tiller.....(the steering)

Moving slowly forward against the tide, I had time to wonder at the sights. Here is Upnor Castle on the right bank of the river, built to defend the Navy Dockyards at Chatham. 川の右岸にあるアップナー城は、チャタムの海軍造船所を守るために建てられました。

It was on those Dockyards that the old sailing boats were built. You can still see huge "ponds" where masts were floated to remove the sap from the wood but retain the resin. Henry VIII 's ships sailed out from here to meet the Spanish Armada, here the first "ironclad" warships were made, and up until a few decades ago nuclear submarines were built. Now the dockyards are a huge 海事博物館 a ship-scale riveting machine,

Chains......(now adorning the car park)....They are SERIOUSLY BIG......!

and here an old shipyard survives......restoring a rather strange houseboat.... the coffee cup.....😉

👋Bye Bye Britain.......banking round over the Isle of Dogs with Greenwich Park on the left....


For the kanji this week I have drawn the obvious one : England イングランド. It's curious to note that the first character has the meaning "England, English, hero, outstanding, or calyx". The second character has the meaning "orchid, or Holland "


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(Japan, at last, has opened its borders!)

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