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In the Sticks III. Brandenburg. 田舎で Ⅱ. ブランデンブルク

Writer's picture: NigelNigel

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

2023 年 9 月 1 日

Hello, I am a grasshopper.

As Nigel has been leaving all his windows open of late I thought I would investigate. But I didn't hop up from the garden to the 3rd floor. Oh no, I'm not training for the Olympics. I just flew past the window, landed and hopped in.

こんにちは。 私はバッタです

However, he doesn't let us in: he says we are too fluttery.....


and remind him of this..... which just shows his age I suppose. It was written in 1977. That's a long time ago...🤔


When I say I'll come to so-and-so's concert I usually keep my word. But I had my doubts about Hanau. It's a tricky cross-roads of a place. I had never heard of the orchestra either, so I was keeping an open mind. I need not have worried. This young group of players 🎵 carried off two composers with great panache and remarkably high level of ensemble playing. Great fun. And although I know Mahler's 5th symphony well, I had to do a double take when the solo hornist stood up beside the conductor for the 3rd movement. Brilliant. Thank you violinist Momo for the invite 😊

モモさん、ご招待ありがとうございました。 パン交響楽団

Find more about them here:


I know. You are familiar with the Brandenburg Gate, and Bach's eponymous concertos. But have you heard about the Brandenburg Pine Cone? There are millions of them, and they crunch under your bicycle wheels like popcorn on the floor of a cinema.


Recently I was in the middle of the sandy Brandenburg Forest, pushing an old Oma Rad (Granny bicycle) in the direction of Schloss Rheinsberg, about 100km north of Berlin.....

A pause was called for.....休み

My base was the village of Zechow, Landkreis Ostprignitz-Ruppin, which boasts about 3 roads of little houses and a locked church. That's it. Apart from the dog of course.....


...and the odd bull......うし牛

It all looked rather idyllic, but there was nobody to be seen.....What do people do here?


...... a hand-carved tractor on the village green....


and a board with some local history......I can't see many smiles here......

Zechow celebrates. 20th July 1958. Celebrating the nomination as Socialist Village Nr. 1


My neighbours.......


But I got to Schloss Rheinsberg, and noted the reason for my visit....


My son has been on an intensive 2-week chamber opera project here, and tomorrow was the finale - Henry Purcell's The Fairy Queen. The 14 singers had been admitted to the course by a process of selection, as had the orchestra. Professional coaching was provided for the different aspects of performing an opera, and the we go.....


The musicians were able to go swimming before breakfast........not bad....


I did the tourist thing and wandered round the Schloss Garten.....however I had no lover with me.....私は観光客でした。 でも私には恋人はいなかった 🤔

Here a view from the obelisk across the lake....オベリスクから湖を望む景色です。

...and here a baroque somebody or other receiving divine inspiration from above.....


The Schloss we see today was mostly finished in the 18thc under Frederik the Great. But it started life as a moated medieval castle, and passed through many aristocratic hands over the centuries. During the DDR period it was a diabetic clinic, but it is now owned by the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation, and houses not only a Kurt Tucholsky Literature museum, but also the Federal/State Rheinsberg Music Academy.

The landward side.....

今日私たちが目にするユアオエースは、そのほとんどがフレデリク大王の時代の 18 世紀に完成しました。 しかし、この城は堀のある中世の城として始まり、何世紀にもわたって多くの貴族の手を経ました。 DDR 時代には糖尿病クリニックでしたが、現在はプロイセン宮殿と庭園財団の所有となっており、クルト・トゥホルスキー文学博物館だけでなく、連邦/州立ラインベルク音楽アカデミーも併設されています。


view through the courtyard....

...and the theatre....(the far wing in the picture.)........


The adjoining town is a quaint mix of humble dwellings......


a fun fountain.......

some chic shops and a not-so-chic railway Endstation....しゅうてん終点................a single track railway built by the nobility to reach their Schloss no doubt.....


But with some fun wall murals.....


The next evening I was in my seat in the theatre. It was chamber opera. Kammeroper. So we had a baroque chamber orchestra- the Ensemble Mozaique under Clemens Frick. They knew what they were doing all right, and launched at once into the world of Henry Purcell....that baroque world of sweet melancholy and crisp gaiety....


Photo: Uwe Hauth

The magical fantasy of William Shakespeare`s Midsummer Night's Dream set to music.......

Oberon's Fairies....


Photo: Uwe Hauth

A mischievous Puck (Amélie Fritz), who gets everyone hopelessly mixed up with her love potion......


Photo: Uwe Hauth

Lysander (Joshua Ruddock) is eventually re-united with his lover Hermia (Laurenzia Kampa)

Photo: Uwe Hauth

Titania (Nelly Thimet) and Oberon (Ravi Sund Rojo)....the instigators of all this chaos...

Winter is announced with solemn splendour.....(Joshua Ruddock)

This was a tremendously enjoyable production, full of humour, high-jinks, romance and plain silliness. Like most opera-goers, I had only seen Purcell's Dido and Aeneas (with its famous aria "When I am laid in earth"), so this was a revelation. William Shakespeare had only been dead 76 years when this was written, so his memory was still fresh.....

これは、ユーモア、ハイジンク、ロマンス、そして単純な愚かさに満ちた、非常に楽しい作品でした。 ほとんどのオペラファンと同じように、私はパーセルの『ディドとアエネアス』(有名なアリア「私が地に横たわるとき」)しか見たことがなかったので、これは啓示でした。 これが書かれたとき、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアはまだ76歳になっていなかったので、彼の記憶はまだ新鮮でした。

Henry Purcell died in 1695 in his mid-thirties. What might he have composed if he had lived longer? His funeral was paid for by the crown, and he was buried with full honours next to the organ in Westminster Abbey. Little did he know that the music that he had earlier composed for Queen Mary's funeral would be performed at his own funeral...........

ヘンリー・パーセルは 1695 年に 30 代半ばで亡くなりました。 もし彼がもっと長く生きていたら、何を作曲しただろうか? 彼の葬儀は国王が負担し、ウェストミンスター寺院のオルガンの隣に盛大に埋葬された。 メアリー女王の葬儀のために以前に作曲した音楽が、自身の葬儀でも演奏されることになるとは、彼はほとんど知りませんでした...

And now to 2023: Here we have the German state supporting up and coming talent in the Musiktheater (ie opera) world. I find this very inspiring and encouraging.

Thank you for reading "..In the Sticks III. Brandenburg .."

🎵 "....... 田舎で Ⅱ. ブランデンブルク......"を読んでくれてありがとう

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