2023 年 12 月 23 日
".................エクスプレス チェックアウトのソフトウェアは非常に重いです..........."
".....The software at your express check-out is very heavy..." ............said I (in Japanese) to the woman at the check-out. She didn't notice that my adjectives were mixed up........because.....well.......I was in REWE supermarket in Langen!......Errrrrr......yes, my brain hurts. Well, it doesn't actually hurt, but it is being exercised.
I have had a Japanese student staying with me for a few days and have been only speaking Japanese and English. So, whilst shopping, I have to push my brain to switch into German. It doesn't always get there quick enough.
They say that speaking more than one language is good for your brain. YES, I say. It's like yoga 🧘 for the brain.
みなさんは言語を話すことは脳に良いと言われています。はい、言います。 脳にとってはヨガ🧘のようなものです。
"......We now go over to local correspondent Nigel, who is reporting from a real German Christmas market in Karlsruhe........"
...where the local Duke is lit up in front of his Schloss....
No doubt he would have said......."...let my people enjoy themselves....at least once a year...."
I wonder what he would have thought of the whole West/East German business.....
I'm sure Shuka-san was wondering why I wanted to take a picture of this funny little green car. Well, this is a "Trabbie" isn't it? The iconic symbol of the Deutsches Democratische Republik .......soooo democratic.....
シュカさんはきっと私がなぜこのおかしな小さなグリーン車の写真を撮ろうと思ったのか不思議に思っていたでしょう。 まあ、これは「トラビー」ですよね? ドイツ民主共和国の象徴的なシンボル....とても民主的....
Just to confuse matters, we were in Karlsruhe to hear a concert performance of an old English opera - Henry Purcell's The Fairy Queen. In English of course.
私たちは英国の古いオペラ、ヘンリー・パーセルの『妖精の女王』のコンサート演奏を聴きました。 もちろん英語で。
Father with bass soloist.....
Now we are getting really international......with Shuka-san and Esther at the Weihnachtsmarkt in Frankfurt.....note the wet table....it hasn't stopped raining recently.....
As you wander through the Christmas market here you can stop off at the Liebfrauenkirche and have a little quiet moment....
What else is there to see in Frankfurt at Christmas? Well, they light up the Botanical Gardens - the Palmengarten as it is called......私たちは植物園に行きました
It's rather nice, but I would have preferred snow to drizzle...!
some of us had fun of course.....
Why do all the girls know these "heart" signs 🤣 ?
"....our correspondent seems to have lost the script....cut....."
Here's the entrance to the Palmengarten.......There was a goose just sitting in the dark there....did he pay an entrance fee?
His friend the swan seemed to like being bathed in red light.........
well, there we are. The workshop is very quiet now. All the violinists are playing Stille Nacht somewhere and the `Cellists have probably gone away on holiday......
さて、そこにいます。 今、工房はとても静かです。 ヴァイオリニスト全員がどこかでスティル・ナハトを演奏しているし、「チェリストたちはおそらく休暇でどこかへ行ってしまっただろう……」
And this year I have had help in decorating the Weihnachtsbaum......
😉 Thank you for reading "..🧠.."
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😉 And and I enjoy hearing from you...!
and what about me? I love it........😊