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Writer's pictureNigel

Of Kings and things....国王

2023 年 4 月 28 日

A mischievous musician has just given me a tin of shortbread....delicious, except that I had to adapt the design on the tin a little......

.........otherwise this wealthy man would have been grinning at me from every corner of my kitchen....そうでなければ、この裕福な男は私の台所の隅々からニヤニヤしていたでしょう...."Let them eat cake"......but no, "let them eat shortbread"...for if you are some over-worked and under-paid nurse on a demo it is easier to eat shortbread than cake..........

Unconfirmed predictions have estimated that Operation Golden Orb, 👑 as the coming coronation is known, could cost the UK taxpayer between 50 - 100 million pounds. No comment. 戴冠式 5月6日.


Rather less controversial and more modest were the antics of Prince Friedrich of Prussia, who in the 19thc. decided to built a fantasy castle near Bingen. It's all gothic gloom inside, ゴシックな暗がり, 👻 complete with a writing study in the tower......

.....from where you can venture outside and ascend the terrifying metal stairs to the top.......残念ながらめまいがする....😵

....or plunge down these dizzy spiral steps........😱

There are bits of old knights downstairs...........

Luckily for us hikers, we found the café, which was offering ernormous ice creams and coffee....I feel Prince Friedrich would have approved. アイスクリームの食事 😋

We don't hear much about Prince Friedrich or his descendants now. Like many German aristocracy, they have kept a low profile after the disastrous events of the 20thc. If only the people who initiated Brexit would do the same thing. (Maybe the comparison is not apt....writers' license).

This photo has turned out strange. It looks as if the people down there have just got off the train. In fact they are waiting for their boat......奇妙な写真。 人々は列車ではなく船を待っている........

Photo: Julia

Later, as we continued our hike through the steep woods I turned around for a classic shot......Burg Rheinstein......

The hike was a 15km rocky ride. There was a wobbly bridge.....揺れる橋

We hikers always need proof that we have been there....either by some craggy outcrop.......

......or by a mountain stream.....It looks pretty tame in the photo, but there was one hell of a drop down to the steam.......honestly, what one does for a photo op.....写真撮影の準備

Photo: Julia

Let's have a shot of the stream itself......

Our route was a circular one......ハイキングルート

with some strange sights along the way......奇妙な顔

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1 Comment

matt jordan
matt jordan
Apr 28, 2023

that gothic gloom looked positively gay compared to the tacky interiors of british royal palaces! £50m - £100m for a coronation, is merely a drop in the cost of brexit ocean - the gift that keeps on taking - and think of all that sovereignty. on that subject i am to sing handel in an event called "sing for the king" in the cathedral here; something i never thought this republican atheist would hear himself say!!

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