Hello! I am the Lady in Grey from next door, and I have come to say hello to Nigel. It is difficult to translate my name into Japanese, so this will have to do...灰色の服を着た女性
I sometimes lie in wait for him as he comes in with his bicycle, then I roll onto my back hoping that he will play with me......ナイジェルが帰ってくるのを待っています
He tells me that he has been in Darmstadt with his book group. And as one member of the group was away celebrating his birthday, they took a photo and sent him a "Happy Birthday" message. So happy birthday Dave🎂! 彼はダルムシュタットにいたと言っている
Horror of horrors 😧!!!!!!.....I have run out of green tea. This is serious. I need my drug every morning for breakfast. Time to visit my little japanese shop in Sachsenhausen......https://www.instagram.com/japanpremiumdeu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D O.k, it's not the cheapest tea, but once you have tasted the real thing everything else fades into insignificance. The next time I go to Japan I will have to bring an extra suitcase and stuff it full of tea 😃. I shall probably get arrested at customs.....日本に行ったら煎茶をたくさん買わなければなりません
I didn't just buy tea. Here is one of life's little pleasures......Kaki no tane.....which literally translates as Persimmon seeds. However these are actually crescent-shaped rice crisps mixed with peanuts. They are incredibly more-ish! 😋 美味しい !
It's festival time again, so if you live near Frankfurt you should go to the Main Matsuri.
It's at a new venue now - the Büsing Park in Offenbach, but don't let that put you off (It's easy to get to) or the fact that you will have to pay €10-€15 to get in. This is an amazingly reasonable price when you can see all those Japanese artists live on stage, have a great day out and get that Japanese vibe! https://www.main-matsuri.com/ 日本が恋しいですか? ホームシックですか? このお祭りに来てください
What is this? これは何ですか
It is the inside of the Bahá'i temple in Langenhain, near Hofheim, west of Frankfurt. And who are the Bahá'i exactly? Well, they are described as a "religion founded in the 19thc. that teaches the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people". This never went down well with those in power in Iran, where it originated. Indeed, they have been mercilessly persecuted for this liberal position ever since. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%A1%CA%BC%C3%AD_Faith I found this photo on their website - it is a school for girls in Tehran which was closed down by the government in the 1930's .....1930年代に政府によって閉鎖されたテヘランの女子学校
I walked in. The light flooded in from all sides. A minimalistic interior without adornment. Peace, tranquility.....a good vibe....良い雰囲気
What an extraordinary phenomena this building is, perched on a hill above the Rhein plain.
You are surfing and you get this message: "We ran into a technical issue. Please refresh and try again.."....⛔.."your internet connection is unstable.....". Great if you are in the middle of a language lesson, or doing your online banking!
I get this message occasionally - especially on Friday evenings for some reason. Instead of banging my head against a brick wall (i.e. trying to contact my provider - Deutsche Telekom), I did a little bit of "research", and found that Germany is indeed lagging behind with internet availability and speed. And it's mainly due to poor technical choices, bureacracy and politics.
So what if the internet was down and there was a power outage? How would I tell the time?......with this: It ticks defiantly and reliably, a reassuring presence on my desk.....インターネットがないとき、どうやって時間を知るのですか
Now we are East of Frankfurt.... where could this be?.....such a fine railway station.....ここはどこですか
......and such a quaint old Alstadt....美しくて古い町
...with woodland nearby......町の郊外には森がある
...and random walkers...... ハイカー 😊
read on......
It's such a relief to get some rain ⛈️ now in central Germany.........やっと、雨が降っています
The parched ground is soaking it up, and we can turn off the fans. A glimpse back at those sultry evenings in Langen..... 数週間前のランゲンの蒸し暑い夜
"I was a red poppy....." 「私は赤いケシでした……」
With trains that went whooooooosh in the night.....夜行列車
Why are you looking at me? I am a cat...........so how should I know where Nigel went last weekend? No doubt he will tell you all about it in his next blog......なんで私を見ていますか........吾輩は猫である Wagahai wa Neko de Aru..(!).......ナイジェルが週末どこに行ったのか分かりません...
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