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  • Writer's pictureNigel

The View From A Tower 塔からの眺め Tō kara no nagame


Let's check if the Goetheturm (look-out tower) in Sachsenhausen is fully open. You google it and it says yes, it is. So when I turned up there last week I was half-expecting some restrictions would be in place...but no....with relief I saw that the gate on the ground was entrance nothing. Approaching the tower from the road.....the marvellously named Sachsenhäuser Landwehrweg.....ゲーテ塔.

....and up we go!登りましょう!

You walk up countless stairs, all beautifully built.....ざいもくきれいです(This tower is a new replacement for the one which was burnt down by some vandals a few years ago)...

....whilst the views get better and better.....ビューはどんどん良くなります.

...then you eventually reach the viewing platform. You are rewarded by a panoramic view of Frankfurt am Main.....フランクフルト.

....and you can spy on the ECB (European Central Bank)........

Leaning on one of the main pillars of the tower, I detected a slight swaying movement in the structure. Amazing....inbuilt flexibility!

I staggered down with legs like jelly, heading straight for the café below.....It's a modest affair.....レストランはかんたんです...

...but the staff are very efficient and quick. In no time at all I had a nice Pils on the table, and a Flammkuchen on its way.....ビールとフラムクーヘン....

Highly recommended. Just one tip. Don't look down when you are up at the top......見下ろさないでください😅.....


You might have seen thundery clouds in that "panoramic view of Frankfurt", but the truth is, the countryside is parched. 田舎はとても乾燥しています. Here are my local woods: There is not a breath of wind. The ground is bone dry. The alarm call of the blackbird is half-hearted...... the fields the barley hangs heavy and motionless....

The roof tiles seem to throb with heat.......屋根が熱いですよ...

....and the tarmac breathes heat under your feet......

Even the trains seem too tired to move.....電車は.."疲れすぎて運転できない"....(?)

...... if we are lucky the temperature sinks to 20°c at night....

What we need is rain!!!!雨がいいだろう.....

(This is the moment to insert the Emi-san's view from a Kyoto temple a couple of weeks ago...aah, nice........) 京都.

video: Emi-san

Next summer I must escape to the Alps, or some other cool spot on this earth.....


On Monday I finished work early. Simply too hot. I had had a shiny 'Cello on my workbench....チェロ...

with shiny fittings......

So I made sure that it sounded all shiny and nice. Now with the apron hung on a hook, the ebony dust hoovered away, the glue pot turned off, and the door to the workshop closed, I flicked on hr2. Oh, it's the opening day of the Bayreuth Festival.There are endless earnest discussions about Tristan und Isolde, but no actual music yet.....this is serious stuff......

Well then, perhaps I should do my homework? My textbook is demanding that I answer the following question: ..........."Usually" or "as a rule", what do you do whilst you are studying? "🙄........

What a question! I mean, come on guys, this textbook was obviously written before climate change started to heat up our summers. It's 28°c in my appartment, and the fan is pushing a wall of air in my direction. The heat is torrid. Shall I admit to my tutor that I have a bottle of beer on the desk? Maybe she will then excuse my spelling mistakes.....

Too late. I think my tutor Miki-先生 reads this blog......😅 (my answer was: ".....In the summer I usually drink beer whilst studying...." )" 「たいてい……夏は勉強しながらビールを飲見ます……」


The next morning there was a job to be done in the garden - that is, before the thermometer climbed...... I gave my "Ukrainian" oak かしわぎ a move to a bigger pot.....

Let's hope it grows big and strong.....

.....and not end up like this one (seen this evening not far from here)



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This week I have taken a detail from another of Kyousei's brilliant animal pictures. This is a tiger looking at its own reflection in the water..Just like the monkey last week, this is drawn with just ink and brush. Brilliant.




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